Gib, 15, finished his first semester of 9th grade. A time for firsts; grades that count, homecoming, defense MVP, and now drivers ed... HELP! He is so amusing, always teaching his brothers and sisters such appropriate things. Love his heart! If I could use just one word to describe him it would definitely be Adventurous.
Anna, 13, is in her last Junior High year. She is always smiling and LOVES to share her joy in hugs and song! She is in the Concert Choir, on the Honor Roll and in the Peer Mentor program at school helping kiddos with special needs. Anna is my helpful one in so many ways. One word to describe her, Eager.
Maren, 11, is in her last year of Elementary. She is such a mathematician, always calculating, something. Mare has enjoyed being in Safety Patrol, Sign Choir and Band (she's a flutist) this year. Her social status seems to be most important these days... but what would 6th grade be without friends? One word, Organized.
Brooke, 10, just finished her first semester of Middle School. Great grades, overnight class trips and best friends. Brooke, is quite a social butterfly and we have loved watching her spread those wings. She also has become very proficient in her computer skills, which I'm sure has nothing to do with MySpace. One word, Diligent.
Collin, 9, is now in the 3rd grade, and adores reading. Often, I have to remind him to turn off his light at night because his hour of free reading is up. He also enjoys playing Wii and takes advanced gymnastics. He truly loves anything involving sports and people. Collin, I don't think has ever met a stranger, and if he has, he didn't know it. Friendly.
Blake, 7, is in the 2nd grade this year. He's our straight A student and baseball player. Blake loves all sports and usually excels at whatever he tries. He is very attentive, which might explain some of his success. For years, we have called, Blake, "our little reporter" as he always seems to know the skinny on things. Observant.
Brayden, 6, is in the first grade. He can't decide if school is completely necessary at this time in his life. Some have all the answers but, Brayden, has all the questions. He is a fan of anything Star Wars and a master at most video games. His passive personality is different from the rest of the band but what a welcome beat! Interesting.
Ryan, our caboose at 3, is in preschool three days week. He loves life and is generally pretty easy going. It's been so much fun to have one significantly younger that the rest. He might be little but his thoughts are very BIG. Oh yes, and this boy certainly loves his siblings! He has always shown such affection. One word, Sincere.
Sam has enjoyed getting his car business off the ground this past year. He has a fabulous group of people working with him, which is half the battle. His hours are long and we miss him terribly, but what a sacrifice he makes everyday for our table for ten. Somehow, though, he is always able to work in grocery runs, carpools and wonderful vacations. Our hero. Devoted.
I am invested in all of these sweet lives wearing different hats daily. I am so grateful to be at home with the kids... truly what I have always wanted to do! My volunteer responsibilities keep me fairly organized, which I believe keeps me somewhat sane. Recently, I have been working toward a photography business. I hope to have it in full swing in a couple of years when Ryan begins all day kindergarten. Life is fast, though, so I try to stop to smell the flowers... and I do find others following. Yes, we are busy, we are many, we are family... and I am, Thankful.
Love that, Len! One word...beautiful :) I love you!
gah...stupid keyboard.
um I meant to say JEN not Len :)
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