It doesn't seem that long ago that I learned to drive behind a wheel like this, however, it was a 1973 canary yellow VW Beetle, before my dad painted it Porsche red. That was the second Beetle my family owned. Come to think of it, there wasn't a time in my childhood that we didn't have a VW, or what we so affectionately called," the bug". And understandably so. These little german beauties have long been known for their fuel efficiency, and air-cooling placing them in an ecological category before green was green. But, their most notable feature has to be that charming habitual hum in the motor that we, as a family, and enthusiasts alike will forever embrace.
It wasn't until just a few years ago though, that Dad took a new direction with his love for this classic. No longer was it just a vehicle to get him from point A to point B, but somehow his occasional tinkering and cumulative knowledge lead him from the metropolis of ownership to the quaint vista of collector.
Suddenly the necessity of having an engine so clean that one would guarantee it had never been driven, was of utmost importance. Hours of searching for the rarest of parts, and detailing every square inch of his current 1962 Beetle demonstrated more passion than most of us know in a lifetime.
And eventually, his perseverance, blue ribbons and simple love of the hobby, paid off.

Earning him a worthy spot on the red carpet.
"The difference between try and triumph is a little umph." ~Author Unknown
Awww... love the sound of an ol' bug. Wish ours was running... sniff, sniff.
I do love your little orange lady.
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