To be perfectly honest, Spring is actually my favorite season. But if I had to choose a second, a close second, it would definitely be Fall, for obvious reasons of course. I also LOVE the fact that many of my dearest friends were born during this beautiful season, making each crisp, color kissed day a personal reminder of what amazing chums I have the honor of claiming. Furthermore, given that I was born and raised in this here, Lone Star State, Fall could never be properly introduced without the opening of the biggest, tastiest, one-and-only, State Fair of Texas. Mmmm, I can smell the Fletcher's corny dogs now. And speaking of food and corniness, of all the reminiscent flavors, including pumpkin pie and caramel apples, nothing instantly immerses me into this time of year like candy corns. Controversial I know, but I do treasure them. And I have my grandaddy to thank for that. :)
So, this fall, slow down, breathe deep and stop by sometime so I can catch up on the seasons of your life. No need to call ahead...you are always welcome.
I'll have a hot cup of cider and the candy corns waiting.
wherever that picture is from...I wanna go there..like Now! Love you!
That's MY house...what are you talking about? :)
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