So, if you have a girl in your life between the ages of 12 and 92, the chance of you knowing a character or two from, Twilight by Stephanie Meyer is pretty good.
If not, you should take the time to read the book or see the movie, at least. I'll admit, I was a sceptic at first. I've just never really been that into gore. I was happily mistaken though, because on the contrary to what I thought the book was about, the author has managed to capture nearly every teenage girls heart (and in some cases, their mom's) by selling the story of a compassionate family of vampires. How 'bout that?
And now I'm sure you are wondering what any of this has to do with the little critter running up my four year old's arms...
Meet Bella. Our little teenage gerbil. She also has a sister, Rosalie, who is still a bit camera shy, but she plans to make her debut soon.
Anna got the siblings late last fall, after reading a couple of books in the Twilight series, hence their names. And little bro, Ryan, begs daily to hold and play with them. And, I have to admit, he is a natural with all little creatures because he has a lot of practice with a cat, a dog, 2 gerbils and a fish named, Gilbert (we had another fish named, John McCain, but found him belly up the morning after the election, literally.) R.I.P.
But alive and well, our little nocturnal, red eyed, incisor dominated friend does have an uncanny vampire resemblance, don't you think? :) I love inspirations. Especially the vegetarian kind.
Nice job, Ms. Meyer.
1 comment:
sweet, and GREAT pictures! You have to send me a message on fb with the type camera you are using. I have a few in mind on my "wish list" I need to add whatever you are using!
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