A few weeks ago Gib, Ryan and I took an impromptu field trip to my dad's office. Downtown. On the 52nd floor. Now, let me start by saying, heights have not always been a favorite of my dad, to the extent that when he learned his company had leased space for their new offices in a building that stood fifty four stories high, he considered submitting his letter of resignation. After some time though, he embraced the decision and we are so glad because his office is a great place to visit, selfishly speaking (and I'm sure the location has been a benefit to the company too.)
That day, after greeting his colleagues and hearing all the, "Oh, how you've grown!" comments about the kids, Dad walked us back to the parking garage - just to get some extra visiting in... because that's the kind of guy he is. And btw, I have to mention, this is where I saw for the first time,
hybrid parking spaces right next to handicap parking! Who knew? Anyway, I brought my camera so dad thought it might be fun to take a pic looking from the garage over to his building. You can see the reflection of the flash in the 20th rectangle counting from the top left.

Then Gib and Ryan found some play equipment, well, not really, but the plastic coated reinforcement wires seemed like a fun idea so they jumped on and gave us some circus-like entertainment.

Oh, to be a kid again, so carefree, so mindless and then, it was apparently too much...suddenly my dad, aka Pop, hopped aboard and bounced like Tigger from a Winnie the Pooh movie.

With camera in hand, I snapped away and tried to catch as much of this as I could. But because we were in a garage, many of these pics were too dark to post, and it's really too bad because although these are wonderful, just picture the three of them back on solid ground, smiling from ear to ear, embraced in a goodbye hug... a sight that will forever be engraved in my memory bank.
Seize your day. Today, tomorrow and always.